In The News



Fort Collins Coloradoan Newspaper
 "Powerful Smartphones seemingley can do it all"

3/25/2010 PCG Consulting Group, Inc.
"Cost Comparison of Premise Based vs. Hosted PBX's"
3/24/2010 VoIP-News.com
"How Consultants Help Businesses Choose Phone Systems"
2/4/2010 Telecommunication Audits
"A CPA Explains why your Company Needs Them"
1/6/2010 Phone+ Magazine
"Why TEM Needs Executive Sponsorship"
9/25/2009 Phone+ Magazine
"Using Hosted VoIP as a Disaster Recovery Solution"
8/24/2009 FreedomVOICE Press Release
"VoIP Expert Neil Morris Joins PCG Telecom"
8/6/2009 Business Wire Press Release
"Serial Entrepreneur Braun Mincher Returns to Telecom"

Northern Colorado Business Report (NCBR)
"Mincher Now Talking Calls on Line 1 with Hosted VoIP"
CLICK HERE for .PDF Version with Pictures 


Telecom Agent Association (TAA)
"Let's Do it Again! The PCG Story - Part One"
CLICK HERE to see Video Interview on YouTube


Telecom Sales Journal
"Agent Spotlight: Braun Mincher, PCG Consulting Group"

 3/23/2000  Fort Collins Coloradoan Newspaper
"High School Capitalist Turns Workaholic"


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